Business manager model and leadership style

The term “model” here means a simplified image of a real object, in the case of a business manager, but only those that meet the requirements formulated in the relevant theory.

Most of the qualities that a manager must possess are the same. This stems from functions specific only to the manager, which he must perform in his official position. Some of the necessary traits of the business leader do not so much stem from his hierarchical level as changing their importance depending on him. Reference: “Normative status of the business manager“,

Economic management is primarily the management of people, not technical sites and production and technological processes. Such an opinion is formed as a result of the action of several circumstances, 3 of which are extremely important.

One is the economic experience in the United States, which proves that the other elements of each production process, in addition to labor, in its development and contribution to increasing labor productivity, reach a certain level, which can be called “critical”, after which the pace of borrowing decreases and their “merit” for the increase in labor decreases significantly.

The second circumstance is that all other elements of social production, except man, are determined by systems. (POWERHP) The third circumstance is that at the end of the XX century, in many countries of the world the average level of people’s culture, the democratization of public life, the average level of the dignity of the human individual have reached such proportions that leaders do not lie to use a new and at the same time additional arsenal of principles and methods if they want to successfully achieve the goals pursued by the enterprise.

The model of the business manager covers 3 main groups of characteristics, psychophysiological; qualification, and moral ethics.

Psychophysiological traits – man is a very complex dynamic probabilistic system. The psyche of the person who will be a leader needs to meet many requirements, not insignificant qualities such as speed of thought process, ability to concentrate, speed of reaction and others, as well as resourcefulness, communication, restraint, justice, wit, initiative, sensitivity, etc. Check reference: “”

In his relationship with others, the leader shows his character, which is a set of qualities that are manifested in people in their communication with each other, in behavior, and in the ability to behave in one way or another in society.

Character traits determine a person’s attitude towards other people around him with whom he interacts.

In building character, an important role is played by the environment in which the individual develops and social relations, which help or not to develop traits such as performance, diligence, discipline, and others.

The obligatory traits in the character of a leader must include principle, self-criticism, objectivity, and tact.

Basic quality is also the temperament, which determines the way a person reacts. Manifested in the speed and strength of response in society and labor in certain stimuli.

Temperament is determined by the type of nervous system. The main types of temperament are choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, and melancholic.

Choleric is characterized by high speed and strength of nerve processes. Here the restraints in the reactions are weak, which is why people with such a temperament often perform hasty actions.

Therefore, in some critical moments, these people are not able to make the right decisions and control the situation. In people with a sanguine temperament, the reactions are also relatively fast, but the nervous processes are relatively more balanced.

Phlegmatic temperament determines the slow flow of nervous processes. Phlegmatic is meticulous and resistant to long-term stimuli of the psyche. But this can sometimes lead to a lack of initiative and heartlessness.

Melancholic temperament is characterized by the ability of nervous processes with the predominance of restraint over-arousal.

Melancholics are introverted, uncommunicative, difficult to adapt to new situations, painfully experiencing any change, they are very sensitive. In difficult minutes they can not withstand prolonged mental stress.

The most suitable for low-level leaders is the sanguine temperament, for high-ranking leaders, the most suitable is the phlegmatic one, while for the so-called “Intermediate” managers – a combination of the mentioned 2 types of temperament.

The degree to which the type of temperament determines a person’s suitability for managerial activity also depends on the type of managerial position – line or functional manager.

Each person is also distinguished by his abilities, which are a set of qualities that make him suitable for performing certain types of activities. At the heart of the abilities lies the type of nervous activity, which are 3 types: artistic, thinking, and mixed.

The first type is not suitable for managers, the second type is suitable for senior managers, and the third type – is for low and middle management levels. [Reference: Here]

An important characteristic of man is his gift, heredity, and qualities that determine the predisposition of the individual to perform one or another type of process.

Volitional and emotional characteristics are also important. The presence of a strong oil is an extremely essential condition for the suitability of the individual to perform a managerial activity.

Published by

George Brown

George Brown is a lecturer in project management and Agile practices and is the author of the articles on this educational website.

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